WPM 368 20kg


ARDEX WPM 368 is a single component acrylic copolymer membrane that will prevent rising damp, efflorescence and will resist negative hydrostatic pressure when used in accordance with the technical data sheet. It has excellent adhesion to most substrates including brick, masonry, concrete block, concrete, stone and is simple to use by brush, roller or airless spray machine.

  • Brick.
  • Masonry.
  • Concrete block.
  • Concrete.
  • Stone.
  • Basements.
  • Tunnels.
  • Liftwells.
  • Retaining walls.
  • Carparks.
  • Green Concrete.
  • Non-flammable and negligible odour.
  • Can be applied to damp surfaces.
  • Can be safely applied to freshly laid hardened (green) concrete.
  • When applied directly to the substrate (dual coat system) the cured membrane will withstand 250kPa of hydrostatic pressure which is equivalent to a 25 metre head of water.
  • Can be over coated using almost any decorative or industrial finishing paint.
  • Prevents rising damp and the formation of efflorescence when used as a dual coat system.
  • The coverage rate should be 3m²/L, or a WFT of 0.3mm per coat.
  • In areas that are affected by hydrostatic pressure, two coats are applied at 3m²/L or a WFT of 0.3mm per coat. In the event that this coverage rate is not achieved in 2 coats, further coats should be applied to achieve a uniform coverage rate of 3m²/L. Recoat time is 2–4 hours depending on ambient temperatures.
  • Grey.